Thank you!
Your generous giving has a profound impact on Northeastern’s vibrant community, creating opportunities for everyone. Your support encourages the hopes and dreams of our thoughtful students, inspires the passions of our distinguished faculty, and brings life to all our programs. By making an annual gift, you are playing a significant role in the Northeastern journey.
See what you’ve made possible by supporting this community!
We asked you to support your favorite funds at Northeastern this year, and you graciously accepted. By making gifts to the areas of the university that are important to you, like our esteemed sports teams, unique student organizations, and unrivaled research opportunities, you help ensure these beloved programs continue to forge ahead.
See what some of our generous donors have to say about how their Northeastern experience made a lasting impact on their lives—and why they’re giving back to the university now.
Linguistics Program Fund
The Mosaic Fund
NU Real Estate Investment Club
Power Systems Engineering Resource Center
Howlin’ Huskies Fund for Men’s Track and Field & Cross Country
Initiative for Investigative Reporting Fund
Institute for Speech & Hearing
International Relations Council
Club Girls Who Code
Club Triathlon
Co-ed Club Golf Team
Computer Science Mentoring Organization
Cybersecurity and Privacy Institute
The Dolphin Project
Economics Fund for Undergraduate Research
Health and Wellness Van Fund
Advancing Women in Science Scholarship
Asian American
Bouvé Fund for Future Frontliners
Center for Community Service
Torch Scholars Alumni Fund
Veterans and Servicemembers Scholarship
American Society of Civil Engineers Club
We asked you to support your favorite funds at Northeastern this year, and you graciously accepted. By making gifts to the areas of the university that are important to you, like our esteemed sports teams, unique student organizations, and unrivaled research opportunities, you help ensure these beloved programs continue to forge ahead.
See what some of our generous donors have to say about how their Northeastern experience made a lasting impact on their lives—and why they’re giving back to the university now.
Torch Scholars Alumni Fund
“As a Torch Scholars alumnus, donors provided me the opportunity to attend Northeastern University. I chose to donate to the Torch Scholars Alumni Fund to pay it forward, and advance the mission of the Torch Scholars Program.”
—Abdul Hafiz, SSH’15
Linguistics Program Fund
“I donated to the Linguistics Program Fund because that department made a huge impact on me during college. I learned so much from the engaging courses and the incredible faculty, especially Dr. Heather Littlefield.”
—Lindsey Gleason, CSH’07
Veterans and Servicemembers Scholarship
“I gave to the Veterans and Servicemembers Scholarship because after my time at Northeastern, I went into the U.S. Army, where I have proudly served for 21 years. Assisting soldiers has become part of what I have done since, and this is a way to do it in conjunction with my alma mater.”
—LTC Mike Korczykowski, AS’00
“I want to support all student driven initiatives, since they start from the bottom up and can have a direct impact on students’ lives while at Northeastern. This is a priority for me because as an undergraduate student I was active in several Residential Life (RSA and NRHH) student groups. As a graduate student, I was part of the Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSA) and I could see these groups had a positive impact campus wide.”
—Tarek Jafar, Khoury’98, E’99
Cybersecurity and Privacy Institute
“I picked the Cybersecurity and Privacy Institute, as this is a vitally important area today. I am proud that even at the start of the 1990s, during my time at Northeastern, the College of Computer Science offered a strong cryptography and communication security area of concentration for our master’s program.”
—Tina Beri, Khoury’92
Power Systems Engineering Resource Center
“I gave because for my husband, Brian, E’89, attending Northeastern transformed his life and enabled him to achieve success in business and as an individual. Brian has remained working in energy-related fields and started several businesses, allowing him to employ dozens of individuals. All of these engineers together contribute so much to our community, our nation, and our families. Brian was able to attend Northeastern because he received an academic scholarship that was directed toward increasing the number of engineers in Massachusetts. That investment in his education has had such a wide impact—and having skilled engineers in our state makes it better.”
—Cynthia Casey
“I recently donated to the Power Systems Engineering Resource Center. As a 1979 graduate with a BS in Electrical Power Systems, I have spent my entire career in the utility industry. This is an incredible time to be in this profession. As the country marches towards decarbonization, the electric system, both from a generating resource and transmission and distribution standpoint, is going to undergo an amazing and significant transformation. I think work in this area is cutting edge and above all we need more students to go into this field.”
—John Simonelli, E’79
Mosaic Fund
“I donated to the Mosaic Fund as part of my Senior Legacy gift because I was a member of one of the Mosaic student organizations for many years at Northeastern. As a senior, I was a moderator for the Pathfinder program, which allowed first- and second-year students to meet with upperclassmen and recent alumni to discover and cultivate their passions and foster an entrepreneurial spirit!”
—Soraya Pierre-Louis, S’21
Initiative for Investigative Reporting Fund
“Northeastern gave me my start in journalism through my co-op position at The Patriot Ledger and working at The Northeastern News. Investigative reporting is a critical aspect of journalism today, and this fund supports students who are learning the skills involved in digging out and presenting information vital to social justice and the continuation of our democracy.”
—Donna Bertazzoni, SSH’76
Howlin’ Huskies Fund for Men’s Track and Field & Cross Country
“I chose to give to the Howlin’ Huskies Fund for Men’s Track and Field & Cross Country because being a student-athlete helped me gain the discipline and work ethic to succeed in the real world. I’m proud to be a Husky!”
—Donovan Henry, S’17
Institute for Speech and Hearing
“I had excellent academic and co-op experiences at Northeastern, and am happy to support other students. I had a rewarding career for 40 years and Northeastern gave me my start.”
—Sallie V. Gartner, Ed’75
Advancing Women in Science Scholarship
“As a woman in science and a College of Science alumna with a degree in biology, I’m passionate about helping my fellow female scientists succeed. I hope this scholarship provides them with a leg up, along with a boost of confidence, so they can continue to go far in their science careers.”
—Lisa Kozlowski, AS’91
The Dolphin Project
“We contributed to the Dolphin Project because we know that passionate and committed School of Law students will be future leaders in complex areas of public interest law, including immigration and human rights. We know the co-op experience provides incomparable practical training, and that co-op employers benefit from the legal work of law students.”
—Kate Campbell, L’06, and Per Olstad, L’06
Co-ed Club Golf Team
“Club sports are an important outlet for many students, and an integral part of the college experience. I gave to the Club Golf Team so that my son and his teammates can enjoy that experience to the fullest.”
—Lisa Colao, PNT’23
International Relations Council
“When I was an undergrad, participating in Model United Nations and Model Arab League (MAL) proved to be one of the most influential guides to help me decide what I intended to do with my life. We negotiated, we spoke publicly, we researched, we learned from each other, and we became excellent communicators. The International Relations Council is the funding source for these programs. Communication is key in life—if you can negotiate with ‘Syria’ during a MAL summit, what will keep you from one day doing it in real life? The answer is nothing.”
—Lindsay Pope Dahlberg, SSH’05
Club Girls Who Code
“I want to honor the female colleagues I had in my tech career—and also support the young women interested in tech who I know from my second career as an athletics coach.”
—Paul McCarron, Khoury’87
NU Real Estate Investment Club
“I donated to the Northeastern University Real Estate Investment Club as it is important for the club to have funds to provide its members access to premier programming, partnerships, and education. As a professional in real estate capital raising, it is vital for me to support the advancement of our next generation.”
—Victor A. Espinosa, DMSB’05
Club Triathlon
“I do triathlons, and saw the team compete at the West Point Triathlon several years ago. This photo is from 2017. I saw them again in 2018, and I mentioned that I was an alum and we agreed to take a picture. I was impressed that there was such a triathlon club, and knew it probably cost the individuals a lot to compete. Clubs need support, so I started directing some of my giving to this great club (which I understand does quite well). I have also seen them compete at the Lake George Tri, which has been a location for the college Tri championships. I am always proud of those who work so hard to compete and represent Northeastern.”
—Larry Balick, CPS’77
Bouvé Fund for Future Frontliners
“I donated to the Bouvé College of Health Sciences because Dean Carmen Sceppa is an exceptional leader and visionary.”
—Laurie Bishop, E’91
Health and Wellness Van Fund
“Donating to the Health and Wellness Van Fund helps support the community, and provides health awareness and opportunities to discuss health and safety issues.”
—Susan Ledwidge, CPS’05
Center for Community Service
“I made a gift on Giving Day to the Center for Community Service because I consider it an honor and privilege to support university programs. Serving others is something I strongly identify with.”
—Doriel Maynard, CPS’05
Computer Science Mentoring Organization
“The Computer Science Mentoring Organization, or COSMO, was started by my friend Colin when we were Khoury College students with the goal of helping students support other students. Even though I’ve graduated, I want to continue to support this organization so that students are empowered to continue to enrich the experiences of their fellow classmates.”
—Joshua Driesman, Khoury’19
Asian American Center
“Throughout my years at Northeastern, the Asian American Center offered me a home away from home and allowed me to be part of a growing community. In return, I always strive to support the center in an effort to give back to students in a continuous way.”
—Ryan Punzalan, AMD’14
Economics Fund for Undergraduate Research
“My motivation for giving to the Economics Fund for Undergraduate Research is that I personally benefited tremendously from research and presenting experience. Conducting academic research at the undergraduate level can be challenging, but at the same time, it’s extremely rewarding. I hope more students in the future have the resources and funding to continue to have research opportunities.”
—Hua Li, SSH’21
American Society of Civil Engineers Club
“During my undergraduate years at Northeastern, I was active in the American Society of Civil Engineers Club and still communicate with fellow members. I was the recipient of the Sabestino Volpe Student Award in 1978, so I decided it was time to give back to a club that supported me.”
—Dana Nute, E’78

Torch Scholars Alumni Fund
“As a Torch Scholars alumnus, donors provided me the opportunity to attend Northeastern University. I chose to donate to the Torch Scholars Alumni Fund to pay it forward, and advance the mission of the Torch Scholars Program.”
—Abdul Hafiz, SSH’15

“I want to support all student driven initiatives, since they start from the bottom up and can have a direct impact on students’ lives while at Northeastern. This is a priority for me because as an undergraduate student I was active in several Residential Life (RSA and NRHH) student groups. As a graduate student, I was part of the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) and I could see these groups had a positive impact campus wide.”
—Tarek Jafar, Khoury’98, E’99

Power Systems Engineering Resource Center
“I gave because for my husband, Brian, E’89, attending Northeastern transformed his life and enabled him to achieve success in business and as an individual. Brian has remained working in energy-related fields and started several businesses, allowing him to employ dozens of individuals. All of these engineers together contribute so much to our community, our nation, and our families. Brian was able to attend Northeastern because he received an academic scholarship that was directed toward increasing the number of engineers in Massachusetts. That investment in his education has had such a wide impact—and having skilled engineers in our state makes it better.”
—Cynthia Casey
“I recently donated to the Power Systems Engineering Resource Center. As a 1979 graduate with a BS in Electrical Power Systems, I have spent my entire career in the utility industry. This is an incredible time to be in this profession. As the country marches towards decarbonization, the electric system, both from a generating resource and transmission and distribution standpoint, is going to undergo an amazing and significant transformation. I think work in this area is cutting edge and above all we need more students to go into this field.”
—John Simonelli, E’79

American Society of Civil Engineers Club
“During my undergraduate years at Northeastern, I was active in the American Society of Civil Engineers Club and still communicate with fellow members. I was the recipient of the Sabestino Volpe Student Award in 1978, so I decided it was time to give back to a club that supported me.”
—Dana Nute, E’78

NU Real Estate Investment Club
“I donated to the Northeastern University Real Estate Investment Club as it is important for the club to have funds to provide its members access to premier programming, partnerships, and education. As a professional in real estate capital raising, it is vital for me to support the advancement of our next generation.”
—Victor A. Espinosa, DMSB’05

The Mosaic Fund
“I donated to the Mosaic Fund as part of my Senior Legacy gift because I was a member of one of the Mosaic student organizations for many years at Northeastern. As a senior, I was a moderator for the Pathfinder program, which allowed first- and second-year students to meet with upperclassmen and recent alumni to discover and cultivate their passions and foster an entrepreneurial spirit!”
—Soraya Pierre-Louis, S’21

Linguistics Program Fund
“I donated to the Linguistics Program Fund because that department made a huge impact on me during college. I learned so much from the engaging courses and the incredible faculty, especially Dr. Heather Littlefield.”
—Lindsey Gleason, CSH’07

International Relations Council
“When I was an undergrad, participating in Model United Nations and Model Arab League (MAL) proved to be one of the most influential guides to help me decide what I intended to do with my life. We negotiated, we spoke publicly, we researched, we learned from each other, and we became excellent communicators. The International Relations Council is the funding source for these programs. Communication is key in life—if you can negotiate with ‘Syria’ during a MAL summit, what will keep you from one day doing it in real life? The answer is nothing.”
—Lindsay Pope Dahlberg, SSH’05

Institute for Speech and hearing
“I had excellent academic and co-op experiences at Northeastern, and am happy to support other students. I had a rewarding career for 40 years and Northeastern gave me my start.”
—Sallie V. Gartner, Ed’75

Initiative for Investigative Reporting Fund
“Northeastern gave me my start in journalism through my co-op position at The Patriot Ledger and working at The Northeastern News. Investigative reporting is a critical aspect of journalism today, and this fund supports students who are learning the skills involved in digging out and presenting information vital to social justice and the continuation of our democracy.”
—Donna Bertazzoni, SSH’76

Howlin’ Huskies Fund for Men’s Track and Field & Cross Country
“I chose to give to the Howlin’ Huskies Fund for Men’s Track and Field & Cross Country because being a student-athlete helped me gain the discipline and work ethic to succeed in the real world. I’m proud to be a Husky!”
—Donovan Henry, S’17

Health and Wellness Van Fund
“Donating to the Health and Wellness Van Fund helps support the community, and provides health awareness and opportunities to discuss health and safety issues.”
—Susan Ledwidge, CPS’05

Economics Fund for Undergraduate Research
“My motivation for giving to the Economics Fund for Undergraduate Research is that I personally benefited tremendously from research and presenting experience. Conducting academic research at the undergraduate level can be challenging, but at the same time, it’s extremely rewarding. I hope more students in the future have the resources and funding to continue to have research opportunities.”
—Hua Li, SSH’21

The Dolphin Project
“We contributed to the Dolphin Project because we know that passionate and committed School of Law students will be future leaders in complex areas of public interest law, including immigration and human rights. We know the co-op experience provides incomparable practical training, and that co-op employers benefit from the legal work of law students.”
—Kate Campbell, L’06, and Per Olstad, L’06

Cybersecurity and Privacy
“I picked the Cybersecurity and Privacy Institute, as this is a vitally important area today. I am proud that even at the start of the 1990s, during my time at Northeastern, the College of Computer Science offered a strong cryptography and communication security area of concentration for our master’s program.”
—Tina Beri, Khoury’92

Advancing Women in Science Scholarship
“As a woman in science and a College of Science alumna with a degree in biology, I’m passionate about helping my fellow female scientists succeed. I hope this scholarship provides them with a leg up, along with a boost of confidence, so they can continue to go far in their science careers.”
—Lisa Kozlowski, AS’91

Center for Community Service
“I made a gift on Giving Day to the Center for Community Service because I consider it an honor and privilege to support university programs. Serving others is something I strongly identify with.”
—Doriel Maynard, CPS’05

Asian American Center
“Throughout my years at Northeastern, the Asian American Center offered me a home away from home and allowed me to be part of a growing community. In return, I always strive to support the center in an effort to give back to students in a continuous way.”
—Ryan Punzalan, AMD’14

Bouve Fund for Future Frontliners
“I donated to the Bouvé College of Health Sciences because Dean Carmen Sceppa is an exceptional leader and visionary.”
—Laurie Bishop, E’91

Club Girls Who Code
“I want to honor the female colleagues I had in my tech career—and also support the young women interested in tech who I know from my second career as an athletics coach.”
—Paul McCarron, Khoury’87

Club Triathlon
“I do triathlons, and saw the team compete at the West Point Triathlon several years ago. This photo is from 2017. I saw them again in 2018, and I mentioned that I was an alum and we agreed to take a picture. I was impressed that there was such a triathlon club, and knew it probably cost the individuals a lot to compete. Clubs need support, so I started directing some of my giving to this great club (which I understand does quite well). I have also seen them compete at the Lake George Tri, which has been a location for the college Tri championships. I am always proud of those who work so hard to compete and represent Northeastern.”
—Larry Balick, CPS’77

Co-ed Club Golf Team
“Club sports are an important outlet for many students, and an integral part of the college experience. I gave to the Club Golf Team so that my son and his teammates can enjoy that experience to the fullest.”
—Lisa Colao, PNT’23

Computer Science Mentoring Organization
“The Computer Science Mentoring Organization, or COSMO, was started by my friend Colin when we were Khoury College students with the goal of helping students support other students. Even though I’ve graduated, I want to continue to support this organization so that students are empowered to continue to enrich the experiences of their fellow classmates.”
—Joshua Driesman, Khoury’19
APRIL 8, 2021
Each year, our Giving Day donors show us more generosity, goodwill, and Northeastern spirit than ever before. And what a day for Northeastern! This year was record breaking both in terms of the amount raised and the number of gifts we received. Thank you so much for being part of it. Your generosity helps us provide our students and faculty with one-of-a-kind programs, experiences, and opportunities, and for that, we are so grateful.
17,521 GIFTS
$1,298,707 RAISED
Schools and Colleges
Athletics – Club Sports & Campus Recreation
Athletics – Varsity
More than 17,000 gifts from 28 countries generated close to $1.3 million in donations to student groups and organizations on campus. Northeastern’s Giving Day exceeded expectations, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
CONTACT THE NortheaStern university office of annual giving
Boston, Massachusetts, 02120