THE ADVANCEMENT EXPERIENCE CENTER Kimberly Davis talks about escaping your comfort zone CATEGORY: Video TAGS: Kimberly Davis | On-the-Go More VIDEOS: Northeastern partners with entrepreneur David Roux to launch the Roux Institute in Portland, Maine Northeastern’s Roux Institute receives a ‘phenomenal investment’ from the Harold Alfond Foundation Global Perspectives: What happens to Europe if a Brexit trade deal isn’t reached? Pioneer Award: The Late Dr. Lou Barnett, B’44, Hon.’77 Distinguished Service Award: Joseph Fleming, Jr., PAH’70, MS’71 Distinguished Service Award: Katherine Pendergast, MEd’73 Emerging Leader Award: Chuanwei Zhuo, ME’09, PhD’14 Emerging Leader Award: Binja Basimike, BHS’12, MPH’14 Reema Juffali: Driving Change Distinguished Service Award: Barbara Alleyne, LA’70 « Older Entries