Corporate and Foundation Relations

Welcome to Corporate and Foundation Relations,
part of University Advancement at Northeastern University

    The Corporate and Foundation Relations team at Northeastern works with corporate and foundation partners to advance research, education, and training programs of mutual interest for the benefit of society.

    As a team in University Advancement, we collaborate with colleges and schools, institutes, centers, faculty, and university leaders across all of Northeastern University and with University leadership to support key initiatives and priorities.

    We identify common goals by facilitating discussions between corporate and foundation representatives, faculty, academic leadership, and staff.

    We accelerate program creation by engaging and liaising with faculty and with corporate and foundation funding partners to navigate Northeastern’s gift, grant, and contracts pathways.

    716 Columbus Avenue, 4th Floor
    Boston, MA 02120

    (617) 373-2520

    The Corporate and Foundation Relations Team

    Shannon Arnold

    Associate Director

    College of Social Sciences and Humanities, School of Law

    Kate Bednar

    Associate Director

    Bouvé College of Health Sciences, Khoury College of Computer Sciences

    Holly Foskett

    Executive Director

    Special Initiatives, College of Science, College of Engineering

    Erin Lee

    Associate Director

    College of Arts, Media and Design, D’Amore-McKim School of Business, College of Professional Studies

    Karin McEwen

    Associate Director

    College of Professional Studies, Limited Submissions

    Heather Moore

    Grants Manager

    All colleges

    Marybeth Savicki

    Senior Director

    College of Engineering, D’Amore-McKim School of Business

    Rob Silk

    Senior Associate Vice President

    Global Campus Network, Special Initiatives

    Julia Van


    Bouvé College of Health Sciences

    Katie White

    Senior Associate Director

    College of Engineering, College of Science